Sunday, June 30, 2013

#27 Get more involved with a non-profit

I'm a pretty selfish person - I readily admit that a lot of what I do (the majority of this blog, for instance) is for my benefit... but I promise that I do think it is important to give back, especially considering how blessed I am.  

I routinely donate two things: blood and money.  I attempt to donate blood every 2-3 months; hey, you never know when you might need some extra blood, right?  And I often donate money to random charities whenever someone asks ("I'm fundraising for XYZ cause, can you support me?"), but I've decided that I wanted to get more involved with one non profit and support it regularly.

So when evaluating which charity I would finally toss my consistent support to, I thought about what matters to me.  See, I have a weak spot for animals.  I cry whenever I think of someone abusing them.  Animals are so gentle and tender, and to be cruel to one is one of the worst things I can imagine.  So the ASPCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - was the perfect fit for me.

There were two ways I wanted to support the ASPCA.  One, I set up monthly donations (of which I hope to increase every year if my income continues to increase...), and two, I attempted to join Team ASPCA and train for a half marathon.  As you know from previous blog posts here and here, my problems with running have left me hesitant about doing long distances for fear of getting reinjured.  So while I attempted to participate that way, eventually my insecurities had me remove myself from the race.  Later, I ran a 5k, so I probably could have done it, but I wasn't ready in September 2012... and that's OK.  Plus, I resolve to sign up for another race soon, and run for Team ASPCA.

The third thing I'm hoping to do, if I have the time, is get involved with a local shelter... maybe I can help promote pet adoptions, or play with the shelter animals to show them some love.  My own hindrance right now is time - given the move, the new job, studying for the FINRA Series 66 license exam, and the first of six modules for the CFP exam... I haven't had time yet...

So for now, I'll be content with donating blood and money, and hopefully soon I'll add some sweat and tears to the mix... :)

What do you care about?  What charities and/or causes do you support and are passionate about?  Let me know in the comments!!!


  1. Love pics of Teddy-O :) I'm totally with you. I would love to do more than donate money/blood but it's soo hard to find the time. Good luck!

  2. Thanks girlie!!! Agree it's so hard to find the time, but I'm trying :) MISS YOU!
