Hey all... as you may have noticed, I've been a bit... MIA... sorry about that. I'm coming back :) I've had a lot going on in the past few months, and blogging, as much as I love it, takes a lot of effort... so it's fallen a bit on the priority list...
But that doesn't mean I haven't been working on my challenge, or that other crazy things haven't happened. This post updates you on three big things:
1. I knocked five things off my "30 now that I'm 30" list
2. I became an auntie :)
3. I survived Hurricane Sandy.
Knocking five things off my list:
# 4 Dress like a superhero for Halloween - I've ALWAYS wanted to be Wonder Woman, but for some reason I never felt fit or fabulous enough. And while I definitely don't feel as fit as I would want to be to best represent the amazing superhero, I decided to say "F&*K it", and I ordered the costume. Voila:
Red Bull gives Wonder Woman her wings :) |
# 11 Visit my parents in Alabama - this was very special for me, as not only did I get to hang out with my parents, but I got to attend my sister's baby shower AND three of my bestest friends made the trip with me! I got to show them where I grew up, where I worked, where I went to school. It ended up being one of the most amazing trips ever... great home cooking, nine bottles of wine, and quality time with friends and family... who could want more? Look for a blog post detailing the awesomeness soon :)
#14 Go to a concert - I actually went to TWO concerts... one was with my friend Elizabeth. We attended the Mixtape Festival in Hershey, PA, which is a weekend extravaganza featuring tons of amazing artists: The Wanted, Kelly Clarkson, LL Cool J, NKOTBSB, Carly Rae Jepsen, and many many more... The second concert was with some great college buddies - Knotwell, Cage (now known as Justin) and Jess... and it was great to grill out, chill out, and hang out...
I'm at the bottom left, and LL Cool J is performing on stage... mmmm yummy! |
Jimmy Buffet concert! |
#21 See "The Book of Mormon" on Broadway - it's VERY HARD to get tickets to this show, as it's a smash hit that won tons of awards... and it was very very funny... I count myself fortunate that I was able to get tickets, even as far in advance as I did!
#26 See "Fuerza Bruta" - Fuerza Bruta is an incredibly unique experience... it is a performance art show, but there are no seats... so you, as the audience, are standing and moving as the set changes. You get to interact with the actors, and it's a very cool experience. There also water... you get wet (the amount of wet depends on where you're standing... so you can be spritzed or soaked!), and it turns in to a dance party at the very end. Here are a few images...
Guy running on a treadmill... he crashed through a "wall" of cardboard boxes filled with what looks like toilet paper |
Four girls playing in water... this happened right above you... |
So there we have it, I knocked a few items off my list. Some other CRAZY things that happened to me in the past few months...
I became an auntie!
My nephew, Rafa, was born. My sister was gracious enough to let me witness the birth, and WOW. She is one tough cookie... my nephew was HUGE - 9 lbs, 12 ounces... 23 inches long... he's a tall baby... and he's sooooo handsome too. Here I am, cooing at him and sharing words of wisdom (such as don't feel you have to pair red wine with red meat... just drink whatever you like, and screw the pairing):
I survived Hurricane Sandy...
The other thing that happened is just absolutely F***ing cray cray. That's really the best way to describe it. Just "f***ing cray cray". I'm trying not to curse, but this situation warrants it. My town of Hoboken (and the Jersey Shore and NYC) got attacked by
Hurricane/Super Storm Sandy. I lost power for a week, which meant no heat or hot water. And I count myself fortunate that I got power back after one week! Sure, the lobby/garage of my building had three feet of standing water flooding it, but when I look at the pictures of devastation on the shore line, WOW. I am truly truly lucky. For the first few days after the storm, I couldn't leave my apartment since my street had turned in to a river. I took a few cold showers before I caved and begged neighbors to let me use their shower. The past two weeks have just been SOOOO SURREAL... here's a few of the craziest pictures:
A boat. Up on the sidewalk between Hoboken and Weehawken. |
A piece of a boat... you can see the sailboat in the distance... |
The other side of the boat... someone spray painted "Global Warming is Real" on the side of the boat... |
My temporary work location for 2 days... my work office got flooded, so we were displaced for two weeks... |
Hoboken was underwater, so many ground floor and basement apartments flooded... so much trash lined the streets.... |
The day after the storm, there was 3+ feet of water in the streets, which basically means it was a river. This pic shows two firefighters in a raft, one of which is hanging on to a rope, which is attached to a tractor, as that is the ONLY way they could rescue some people in the building across my street... F***ING CRAY CRAY |
And just one week after the Hurricane came through, we got a N'oreaster... it only graced us with a few inches of white snow, which neighbors promptly made in to a snowman :) OUR SPIRIT IS STRONG! |
So that's whats been going on over the past few months. Some incredible stuff.... amazing, scary... and after it all I just feel incredibly blessed and thankful.