Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Football Game Workout Challenge

Why is finding time to workout so difficult?  It really shouldn't be.  Exercise produces endorphins, which make you happy.  Who wouldn't want to be happy?

So I took a look at both why it was so difficult to find time to workout and how I was spending my time... and I figured, why not try to work exercise into some of the other things I do? You know, make it easy!

And as many of you know already, I love football (in particular, Steelers football), and even though my team isn't performing at their best this year, I still watch every. single. game. I cheer, I scream, and I tweet with Steeler Nation.

Now, my typical Sunday Funday includes several (i.e. 3-8) beverages, some sort of buffalo chicken wrap, and plenty of sitting on a bar stool (or on my couch) for HOURS (minimum 4, maximum all day long).

What a waste of a day in which I could be more active!

But wait!

What if, instead of four hours sitting on my ass, I turn some of those four hours into a workout contest?

Yes.  Brilliant.

So one lovely Sunday afternoon, I wrote down many of the things that could happen in a football game (first down, touchdown, safety, penalty, coach's challenge, etc.), and then I matched those potential activities up with some sort of exercise (crunches, squats, burpees, etc.), and here's the result:

As you can see, I was ambitious and matched exercises to things that would happen at halftime, third and fourth quarter... let me remind you that most football games last for four hours.  Not sure what I was thinking, because one quarter in and I was tiiiiired...

But here's how I did:

You know what?  I am super proud because I efficiently used my time to do something I love and add some exercise in there... thus making me feel good.  And happy :)

Now, I don't expect to be able to do this every single Sunday, but I am going to put this game into my normal rotation more often.  It was fun, it kept me on my toes, and I got a GREAT workout in :)

Happy Sunday!

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