Wednesday, August 27, 2014

#22 Hang out at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Rooftop Bar

So... I finally did it.

I FINALLY made it to the Met's rooftop bar.

I lived in the NYC metro area for 9 years and never made it... but, one visit back to NYC and I finally had the experience!

I went back to visit this past August - part work and mostly fun - and re-lived some of the best reasons why I love NYC.  I took a cooking class, flying trapeze lessons, visited museums, watched a play, ate so much delicious food...

...And I tackled an item on my bucket list. I had a drink at the Met's Rooftop Bar!

But first, I figured I should check out some of my favorite artworks so I could be "cultured" before indulging in a beverage...

Monet was one of my first favorite artists (and since 3rd/4th grade, I grew to love and appreciate many, many more artists...)

So of course I took a selfie with a Monet.

But I also love and appreciate sculpture, so here is my attempt at recreating a pose...

But seriously?  30 minutes of browsing through a few galleries and I couldn't wait any further... so up to the rooftop we go!

And what a beautiful day it was!!!

Yay!  I made it!!!!
The roomie (former) and I had to take selfies together.  We look awesome.

It was one of those magical days in NYC.  View of a park, but in the middle of a city with taxi cabs and buses honking at each other, while enjoying delicious beverages with friends out in the sun and feeling like LIFE IS GOOD.  If you're looking for a fun afternoon (during the summer months only!), I highly encourage a day spent at the Met and their rooftop bar.

Full disclaimer: I might have had two drinks, not one...  but whatev :)  When in Rome, right?

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