Saturday, October 14, 2017

Red curry squash soup with seared scallops and kale

It's FALL!!!  And even though that means it's 85 degrees in South Florida instead of 100 degrees, I still love the season.  I get to see my Northern friends posting on Facebook and Instagram about PSL, scarves, boots, etc... football season is in full swing, and we Floridians have hope that the intense heat will make way for lovely weather.

You know what else gets me in the fall spirit? Squash. I love squash. I feel like it is an under-appreciated super food. Most food plans classify squash as a vegetable, not as a carb, and yet it feels like a carb to me, so I feel like I'm cheating and YET I AM NOT!!!! (!!!!!!!). Squash is a lovely comfort food, hearty, warm, and tasty.

And since soup and fall go together like peas and carrots, I opted to make a delicious, hearty, healthy, and still Floridian, Red curry squash soup with seared scallops and kale:

It has a smidge of heat, it has a touch of crunch, it is definitely creamy, and it has the perfectly seared scallops to offer that fresh, Florida seafood that I love so much.  Plus, it's gorgeous.  Just look at it!

So here's how I made it:

1. Prepare and cube the butternut squash. (Note: you can also buy pre-cubed squash at most grocery stores, but I like doing things the hard way apparently.)  Cut off the ends, cut down the middle, and then scoop out the goop (Second note: "goop" is not a technical term. Just to clarify).

Then, start cutting the squash into long strips... that you can then cut it into cubes:


2. Next, take a white onion and slice it up.  Doesn't matter if it is diced or sliced, because eventually it will be pureed.  Put some olive oil in a large pan (I used a dutch oven), heat on medium/medium high, and then add sliced onions and start cooking.

3. Next add red curry paste (I use between 2-3 TBSP depending on how rich and spicy I want the curry flavor to be), and stir until well incorporated:

4. Then add butternut squash, salt/pepper to taste, and enough vegetable stock to cover. Cook for 15-20 minutes until squash is soft.

5. Next, add coconut milk:

6. Stir to combine. Take off heat. Transfer in batches to a blender and puree until smooth and there are no lumps:

(Note #3: If you have an immersion blender, now is a SUPER great time to use it.  Less clean up!

7. Prepare the kale.  Wash it, de-rib it, massage it (i.e. literally take it in your hands and rub it), and set aside:

8. Sear the scallops.  Heat butter in a pan:

...pat the scallops dry in a paper towel to remove all moisture (this helps them sear better)... season well with salt and pepper...

...and when the butter is starting to bubble, add the scallops to the pan.  Make sure not to add too many, as the more room they have to cook, the better they sear.  You don't need to cook them too long, 2-3 minutes on each side.  Once you place them in the pan, DO NOT move them. Leave them be so they get that gorgeous sear...

...flip once, let cook another 2-3 minutes.  Remove from heat! 

Look how gorgeous!!!

And for the final touches...

9.  Add kale to bowl.  Pour squash soup on top. Delicately place 3 scallops on top.

10. Admire your handywork. Marvel at the gorgeous fall colors. Smell the hearty flavors.

But not for too long.  You want to eat this before someone else steals it from you!

Inspired by the following recipes (and my own personal quest to EAT MORE VEGGIES):

Click here for the recipe!

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